2024 Christmas Roundtable

Welcome to our 9th annual Christmas Roundtable! 2024 has been an interesting year. Here at BareBones we took a big step back this year with major life changes going on, but we are primed to knock the door down for 2025! BareBones Ent sat down with a bunch of bands and musicians to talk about Christmas and hopefully spread some cheer. Thank you to all of the bands below and here’s looking forward to 2025 and more amazing music!

Pistols At Dawn (Facebook/Insta)

BBE: What is your favorite thing about the holiday season?

PAD: For us it’s definitely the warm feelings of friends and family coming together. Good food, good vibes and good company ya know.

BBE: What is the best holiday memory you have?

PAD: I think it’s different for all of us. But most of us got our first musical instruments on the Holidays so that definitely is up there.

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas movie?

PAD: Either Home Alone 2, Diehard, The Family Man or The Family Stone. There’s no inbetween 

BBE: If you could be any holiday character who would it be and why?

PAD: Probably Jack Frost, he seems pretty cool. Also he’s described as a mischievous hero, which is what we like to think we are.

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas song?

PAD: “White Christmas” by Otis Redding or “Last Christmas” by Pistols at Dawn 😉

Heroes and Villains Band (Brock Starr) (Facebook/Insta)

Photo by Mark Maryanovich

BBE: What is your favorite thing about the holiday season?
BS: Oddly enough, my favorite part of the holiday season comes when I’m commuting at night and get stuck in traffic. If there happens to be snow, this is an added bonus for sure! Something about being in the car, seeing the amount of people about, and listening to Christmas music – each year it is the one thing that really brings on the nostalgia.

BBE: What is the best holiday memory you have?
BS: Well I’m going to get in trouble because I’m not going to say that it is the 1st Christmas with my kids (lol). For me, there is no better memory than waking up with my brother when we were young on Christmas morning. We were so close it was like having your best friend with you at all times. The excitement was exemplified because we bounced it back and forth.

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas movie? 
BS: Everyone’s favorite Christmas movie should be Bad Santa 1 + 2 lol – I will just leave that here.

BBE: If you could be any holiday character who would it be and why? 
BS: Totally Rudolph. Why? Because, being underestimated is what I relate to, and when given the opportunity I will always show I’m a true leader. Or strive to be.

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas song?
BS: Any song in Home Alone haha – but Chuck Berry wins it for me with “Run Rudolph Run” – There are way too many slow, sad and outdated holiday songs, this one can stand the test of time!

MrAMG (YouTube/Insta)

BBE: What is your favorite thing about the holiday season?

AMG: Being with family and catching up.

BBE: What is the best holiday memory you have?

AMG: When my sister boyfriend n his friends took all the gifts from under our 🌲.. 😂😂

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas movie?

AMG: Home Alone

BBE: If you could be any holiday character who would it be and why?

AMG: Santa (love kids)

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas song?

AMG: Mariah Carey “All I Want For Christmas Is You”

ET Boys (Facebook/Insta)

Photo by Mark Maryanovich

BBE: What is your favorite thing about the holiday season? 

Tacboy: I’m a bit of a grinch but ever since living in New York I’ve taken a liking to the snow and coldiness. 

Sharkeyes: My favorite part of the holiday season is getting to see my friends and family. Sharing meals and gifts with those that I love. 

BBE: What is the best holiday memory you have?

Tacboy: Probably eating the pumpkin pies my mom makes every year. They are delicious and still taste the same as I remember them. 

Sharkeyes: Getting a Nintendo 64 and playing with my brother all Christmas morning. 

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas movie?

Tacboy: Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer. It used to air on Cartoon Network when I was a kid….. it’s really bad.

Sharkeyes: I’m not really a big Christmas movie guy but I remember watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas a few times as a kid during the holidays. 

BBE: If you could be any holiday character who would it be and why? 

Tacboy: Snoopy. I love sleeping hard and he always looks so damn cozy on top of his doghouse.

Sharkeyes: I would be Tiny Tim because that’s who I was forced to play in elementary school in my class’s rendition of The Christmas Carol. I was always the smallest and skinniest kid in the class. 

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas song?

Tacboy: “Greensleeves”

Sharkeyes: “Little Drummer Boy”

The Almas (Frank Slifka) (Facebook/Insta)

Photo by Mark Maryanovich

BBE: What is your favorite thing about the holiday season? 

FS: The best thing about the holidays is having more quality time to spend together with family. 

BBE: What is the best holiday memory you have?

FS: My best holiday memory is how my dad used to put reindeer tracks in the snow outside to look like Santa came!

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas movie?

FS: Die Hard!!  

BBE: If you could be any holiday character who would it be and why? 

FS: I would be John McClane for the fact that he’s a bona fide badass! 

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas song?

FS: My favorite Christmas song is “Baby It’s Cold Outside” – it’s a classic!

Dark Remedy (Facebook/Insta)

BBE: What is your favorite thing about the holiday season?
DR: The lights, I love seeing all the lights

BBE: What is the best holiday memory you have?
DR: Visiting St Augustine, Florida and doing the town tour of the lights, highly recommend, one of the most beautiful places during Christmas 

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas movie? 
DR: Elf

BBE: If you could be any holiday character who would it be and why? 
DR: Santa of course! Why wouldn’t anyone want to be Santa? 😂 

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas song?
DR: Anything off Twisted Sister’s Christmas album

Dopesick (Adam Albright) (Facebook/Insta)

Photo by Mark Maryanovich

BBE: What is your favorite thing about the holiday season?
AA: It used to be getting presents but the older I get; it’s about spending time w my family and giving that happiness to others! I still like presents though 🤓😂 

BBE: What is the best holiday memory you have?
AA: When I was little my mom/dad got me ‘n my step-brother a stocking full of presents and it was as big as the whole wall! I don’t remember anything that was in there BUT I remember walking down the stairs and seeing it, it was bigger than me!!

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas movie? 
AA: Planes Trains and Automobiles is our Christmas movie!! Christmas Vacation close 2nd and Krampus that’s the newest one.

BBE: If you could be any holiday character who would it be and why? 
AA: I’d be Santa!! Cause I do like cookies 😂 but could you imagine seeing all the lil kids’ faces after you brought the Christmas presents!! I like seeing people happy, so I’d be Santa, Snowman close 2nd -I’d just hang out and smoke all day with a smile on my face 🤓

BBE: What is your favorite Christmas song?
AA: “The Christmas Song” is just perfect so I really like that one BUT another one I can hum it but don’t know the name, trans-Siberian Orchestra plays it and it’s awesome!! Thank you for letting me be involved! Merry Christmas from Me and Dopesick.

Picture of Bryan Swann

Bryan Swann

Hello, My name is Bryan Swann and I am the owner and operator for BareBones Entertainment.

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My name is Bryan Swann and I run this entertainment site, BareBones Entertainment. Based out of Dallas, TX we focus solely on the music, art, and other area of entertainment, and none of the gossip or fluff. That is why our motto is “All Entertainment, No Fluff.” Any bands or artists that may be interested in doing an interview please follow us on Twitter @barebonesent, or like our Facebook page and message us.

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