Our Day at Warped: Saying Goodbye

BareBones Ent somberly headed out to our final Vans Warped Tour show in Dallas. We got off to a little bit of a late start, so the schedule had already leaked online to Reddit and we were starting to decide our schedule before we arrived. Our team arrived around 12:30 and parking was hard to find. We got out and hurried across the parking lots to try and catch our first set of what was sure to be a memorable day. Take a stroll with us as we recap the sets we saw!

Vans Warped Tour ’18

1st band of the day: We The Kings (main stage; 1)

We were able to snag some seats in the lower section right before We The Kings came out. The band stormed the stage as the crowd erupted for one of the first big bands of the day! The crowd was red hot for the band as they played through a good mixture of hits and newer songs. This was our second time seeing We The Kings, and they have consistently put on great shows. We left half way through “Check Yes Juliet” to make it to our next stage.

Rating: [usr=4.5]

2nd band of the day: ISSUES (main stage; 2)

It truly pains me to say something felt off. This was my first time seeing ISSUES without Michael, but I don’t necessarily think the screaming was the problem. Sky and AJ did a fine job handling the screaming portions and Tyler sounded the same as usual, but the band as a whole sounded different. It kind of feels like the chemistry was off; maybe it was just an off day. Half way through their set it started pouring for the remainder of their set offering a nice reprieve from the heat. The band played a nice mixture through all of their albums, and they did have a huge crowd.

Rating: [usr=3]

3rd band of the day: Makeout (owly.fm stage)

We came over to their stage after ISSUES finished up and I think we may have missed their first couple songs. Hadn’t really heard much of the band before but they sounded good. Make Out put on a high energy show, and tried to get the crowd involved more. They did say that they were having to cut a little short on their set, but they still put on a good show. Definitely made me want to go check out their music afterwards.

Rating: [usr=3.5]

4th band of the day: As It Is (owly.fm stage)

I saw and worked with As It Is a few years ago, but I couldn’t tell you it was the same band I saw in Dallas. Aside from the singer I could not recognize a single member and they sounded almost completely different too. They may have had some sound issues with adjusting from the rain and sun, as the vocals seemed harder to hear. They played some newer songs that didn’t seem lyrically up to their former standards. It didn’t do anything for me, but the crowd was into it. Side note: it was nice that they brought a member’s father out and had him lead the crowd in singing “Happy Birthday” to him.

Rating: [usr=2]

5th band of the day: Assuming We Survive (owly.fm Stage) Stole the show!

This is the band we were waiting for and they did not disappoint. We have worked with the guys a bunch of times, but only seen them once before. Simply said, their set blew us away. The whole band was clearly having fun and the crowd definitely picked up on it. The set was very high energy and the audience were keeping up the pace dancing and singing back to the band. Assuming We Survive sounded great, great chemistry, and put on a very enjoyable show. What more can you ask from a band than to go out on stage and lay it all out there 100% for the crowd? They completely stole the show for us and earned the first rating of this kind of the day! Side note: The security guard looked like was having fun with the beach ball at first, that turned to annoyance to keep having to retrieve it and send it back into the crowd.

Rating: [usr=5]


Lunch Break/Merch Shopping


6th band of the day: Waterparks (main stage; 2)

I honestly did not hear much of their set (maybe like the last 2 songs), but what I heard sounded good. So thumbs up for that.

Rating: N/A

7th band of the day: The Used  (main stage; 2)

I caught The Used on Warped years ago, and they sounded awful. So we approached this set with cautious optimism for a good show; The Used delivered. They sounded much better this time vocally and as a band. They played a slew of hits and some songs I did not know, and the crowd ate it all up. The crowd was huge and very vocal with the band. I may have missed it, but I didn’t heard “All That I’ve Got” and it bummed me out though. Overall very solid set!

Rating: [usr=4.5]

8th band of the day: Bowling For Soup (main stage; 2)

Bowling for Soup came out to a huge applause from the gigantic crowd. They kicked off their set knocking out hit after hit from “Girl All the Bad Guys Want” to “Come Back to Texas”. In typical Bowling For Soup fashion the songs were broken up with jokes and just an overall fun time for the band and crowd. The show was going off without a hitch until someone in front of us threw up and we swear it splashed on our lower legs. (luckily didn’t see anything on us though, and didn’t see anyone pass out or anything in front of us.) Unfortunately we had to leave 3/4 of the way through their set to get to our last stage of the night. Side note: Video we saw of their finale looked incredible!

Rating: [usr=5]

9th band of the day: Simple Plan (main stage; 1)

When we arrived back at the first main stage it was already packed with fans ready to see Simple Plan. Simple Plan is a band that both of us had been dying to see, and had kept eluding us. There was no way we were going to miss seeing them this time. Simple Plan took the stage with the loudest ovation of the day. This crowd had been sun burnt, drenched, and re-burnt, they were tired and sore, but you wouldn’t have guessed it when the band hit the stage. Everyone was off of their feet. The band started their set with hit after hit. I stood their wondering if they would have any guest vocalist, which led me to who would fit? I thought We The Kings is kind of like a modern Simple Plan. Sure enough near the end of the show Travis from We The Kings came out and helped with “I’m Just a Kid”! Simple Plan left a lasting memory and was a great way to send off Warped Tour! Side note: It was sick seeing Pierre play drums and throw a guitar just about the full length of the stage to a stagehand.

Rating: [usr=5]

10th band of the day: Falling in Reverse (main stage; 1)

Falling in Reverse was the last band on this stage for the night. A large amount of people stuck around to see their set. The pavilion echoed with chants of Ronnie Radke before the band took the stage. As soon as the band took the stage the crowd was on their feet. We stayed for most of their set before making our way to the exits to try and beat the crowd a little bit. The band sounded great and the crowd was completely into it. They screamed every word right back at the stage and sent off the night in fashion.

Rating: [usr=4]


It was crazy attending Warped and not interviewing, but I am extremely happy I was able to attend the last Warped as a fan. The show did not disappoint and left us with many fond memories of this festival. Thank you again Kevin Lyman, Vans, and everyone involved in Warped over the years for giving all of us this festival that we have held so dear to our hearts for all these years! I will greatly miss working this festival and attending it every year. Thanks for the memories and all of the opportunities to work with many amazing bands! #ThankYouWarped

Overall Rating: [usr=5]


Picture of Bryan Swann

Bryan Swann

Hello, My name is Bryan Swann and I am the owner and operator for BareBones Entertainment.

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My name is Bryan Swann and I run this entertainment site, BareBones Entertainment. Based out of Dallas, TX we focus solely on the music, art, and other area of entertainment, and none of the gossip or fluff. That is why our motto is “All Entertainment, No Fluff.” Any bands or artists that may be interested in doing an interview please follow us on Twitter @barebonesent, or like our Facebook page and message us.

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