The boys are back in town! We are pumped to reconnect and bring you a brand new interview with our dudes in Alesana. Alesana have been tearing up the country on their Trilogy Tour! We were able to catch up with them when they had a little downtime, so take a look and see what all Alesana had to say when BareBones Ent linked back up with them!

BBE: It has been a few years since we had a chance to chat and Alesana was ruling the pages and awards of BareBones Ent. How have you guys been?
Alesana: We have been great, thank you. Everybody is keeping busy with family life and other projects and such. Looking forward to taking a break and getting back together for the last leg of the APWTSIS tour.
BBE: In that time you have completed your landmark Annabel Trilogy and been most recently touring with the albums. What does that trilogy mean to Alesana?
Alesana: The trilogy is a huge part of the band’s DNA at this point. Annabel herself, in many ways, has almost become synonymous with Alesana. The response to playing the trilogy records in full has been both amazing and humbling. When we get a chance to take a step back and truly appreciate the moment, it is really special that so many folks have welcomed the universe of Annabel into their artistic minds and hearts. We are forever grateful to her and to our fans for joining us.
BBE: If you can take us back to when you were working on the final chapter to this trilogy. What was that like for you? How ready were you to get it in to the hands of listeners?
Alesana: Concluding the trilogy was daunting at the time. Confessions has a very chaotic and claustrophobic vibe to it and it was intentionally made under a lot of tight deadlines and pressure in the hopes that the urgency would be reflected onto the final product. Once it was finished there was this combined feeling of relief, excitement and a little bit of sadness. We had been writing records in that universe for over half of a decade at that point so it was bittersweet to bid farewell to the journey.
BBE: The Annabel Trilogy has meant so much to fans too. What were those shows like on parts 1 and 2 of The Trilogy Tour?
Alesana: The fans have shown up and let their passion fly proudly, that is for sure. There is this wonderful and palpable synergy between us and the fans as we perform these records; a real connection that is hard to put into words. For that one hour each night it is like we transport everyone into that universe where we can all experience the performance together on a visceral level.
BBE: Were you expecting fans to show out like they did?
Alesana: One thing we learned long ago is that we cannot control who shows up. All we can control is how hard we play and how much love and passion we put into our performance on stage. If you can choose to not put all of your energy into expectations then you can truly enjoy the moment with whomever is there with you. Five fans or five thousand fans, we are going to play with love, heart and passion. Luckily for us, we have the best fans in the world.
BBE: Were there any specific shows that really stand out to you? And why?
Alesana: Every show is its own living, breathing entity. To choose one over another would be a disrespect to those present at any of the others. Each and every night we seek and find connection, a way to share the room and the energy with those who have chosen to spend their evening with us. Any time a city, town or venue opens their doors to us, we are grateful.
BBE: We were pumped to see you guys at So What?! in Dallas. With that date being a festival, how did you have to adjust your set?
Alesana: At festivals with shorter set times we try to adjust and play more material across our entire catalog. We were joking the morning of So What that it used to be a lot easier to build festival sets when we only had 1 or 2 records. Choosing what to play has become a lot more challenging as our catalog has grown.
BBE: What is next for you after The Trilogy Tours complete?
Alesana: New music! We have been working and writing for a very long time for the next collection. We are very, very excited to share what we have been creating.
BBE: What is the best way for fans to stay up to date with Alesana news and connect with you?
Alesana: We are on most, if not all, social platforms. But the best way to connect with us is to join us at a show and let the outside world melt away for an evening.
BBE: Anything else you would like to add?
Alesana: We are eternally grateful for nearly 2 decades of support from not only our fans but from publications such as yourself. Thank you to Barebones for always believing in us and for showing us such kindness and respect over the years.