Hed PE is rock, but more of a mixed genre, band that has been around for awhile now, and has built quite the following. Their music has changed slightly over the years as they began to grow as a band and find their voice. Hed PE aims to make a difference with their music, and not just be another band. The band is made up of vocalist Jared, bassist Mawk, Jackson on guitar, and Trauma on drums. Check out what Jackson had to say when he sat down with BareBones Ent.
BS: How would you describe your music to someone who hasn’t heard (Hed) P.E. before?
Jackson: I usually say it’s a mixture of various styles including metal, punk, hip hop, reggae, and others. It’s the musical equivalent of multiple personality disorder.
BS: Why should people check out your band? What makes you stand out?
Jackson: There is something for everyone. Whether you listen to an album or come to a show, you are certain to find something that draws you in. Our show is explosive without the pyrotechnics. It’s precise without a click, but every show is different because it’s organic and is influenced by the energy of the audience. In a sense, it’s one of the most interactive concerts one could attend.
BS: Who would you say are some of your biggest musical influences?
Jackson: Kiss, Alice In Chains, Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Megadeth, Pink Floyd, Stevie Ray Vaughan, etc. The list could obviously go on for days.
BS: What is your favorite part about playing live?
Jackson: Interaction… The feedback from an audience that is overwhelmingly excited creates a feeling of victory that is unmatched. People pay money to see a great show. The sound and energy of a satisfied audience is unmistakable and makes me feel like I’ve done good.
BS: What is the craziest moment you’ve had at one of your shows?
Jackson: During a show in Allentown, PA, we had to stop playing shortly after a young man was launched from the audience, over the barrier, and down to the ground. When I saw this, it looked like his body was lifeless. It was like dead weight falling to the ground. We announced that someone had been hurt and the paramedics were needed immediately. They arrived and the kid ended up okay, but for a while it was unclear if he was even alive. I remember just standing side stage, considering the possibility that someone could have just died at one of our shows. It was an intense moment and one I will never forget.
BS: What is something that fans ask all the time that you’ve grown tired of hearing, that you’d like to finally clear up and answer for everyone?
Jackson: It’s not that I’m tired of it because I understand that there have been many line up changes and not everyone knows every band member of every band, but fans will occasionally ask if I remember playing the Tattoo The Earth Tour with Slipknot. The truth of course is that I don’t remember because I wasn’t in (hed) p.e. yet. But, that tour sounds like it would have been a lot of fun.
BS: In 2013, you released your greatest hits, what was it like for you getting to a point where you were releasing a greatest hits album?
Jackson: I joined the band in 2004 and since then, 3 “BEST OF” albums have been released. I’m not sure I’ve come to a point in my career where even one “BEST OF” is warranted, but (hed) p.e. built its own momentum before I joined, so I can’t speak on that. However, the release of three compilations of this nature seems excessive. But, if people enjoy them, I guess that’s all that matters. I suppose, the most interesting thing is to look at the track listings to see what songs are considered your “best,” by somebody else.
BS: With all of the albums you put out this is going to be tough, but what songs are you most proud of and why?
Jackson: “Renegade,” started from an instrumental demo I created and submitted to Jared, our singer. It became the most popular song we had since I joined the band and was followed by a substantial increase in our profile for a short while. “Represent” is one of the first songs I ever submitted to the band. We ended up doing a video for it, which was the first video I had ever shot. On top of that, it was my debut appearance with (hed) p.e. on the, “Only In Amerika,” album. So, this song has special meaning to me. But, the material I am most proud of is the most recent stuff, which is coming out soon. (Check out the video for “Renegade” at the bottom)
Jackson: It’s called, Evolution, and will be out July 22nd. This one is a monster. Get ready.
BS: What else can fans expect to see from you this year?
Jackson: We’ll be working on a video shoot in July before a short tour, leading up to The Gathering. There is an August run with Powerman 5000, and an October Europe/UK run with Soil and American Head Charge.
BS: Anything else you’d like to say to your fans?
Jackson: We know it’s been too long since our last record, but we didn’t want to do it unless we knew we could do it right. There was a lot of challenges to overcome over the last few years. So, we thank you for sticking with us for so long. We are nothing without you.