Q and A with Her Bright Skies

photo courtesy of the band

Her Bright Skies is a very fun and exciting rock band out of Sweden.  The band has released some great singles such as “Little Miss Obvious”, “Ghosts of the Attic”, and their newest single “Lovekills”.  The band has received a lot of promotion from Bryan Stars, and now we are lucky enough to be able to feature this amazing band!  The band is made up of Jaybee on vocals, Niclas Sjöstedt on guitar, guitarist and back up vocalist Petter Nilsson, drummer Jonas Gudmundson, and bassist Joakim Karlsson.  Check out this awesome interview.

BS: How long has Her Bright Skies been together?

HBS: We’ve been a band since 2005 but we’ve been a touring band since 2007-2008.

BS: If I heard this correctly you guys are actually from Sweden, is this correct?  Do you think the culture influences your music at all and if so how?

HBS: Yes we’re from what seems like the coldest country on earth! We’ve definitely got that nordic feel to our music and we’re influenced by Swedens biggest acts for sure. You can hear from our new album there’s a lot of swedish music history in there.

BS: What is the typical inspiration for your songs? Do you pull from situations in your lives or what?

HBS: Basically yeah. We write about what happens with the band and in our private lives. Some lyrics we just write to have some fun but most of them have deeper meaning and some of them are really really personal.

BS: What bands are your biggest influences from? And why?

HBS: Wow, so hard. We take influences some hundreds of bands. We love music and listen to it constantly, so it’s hard to distinguish where we get our influences from. But if i had to name a few bands, let’s go with Foo Fighters, Taking Back Sunday and Mötley Crüe.

BS: What has the response been like in America and around the world for you guys?

HBS: Fantastic. Better than we could ever wish for. America is where we have our biggest fanbase and it keeps growing. The world seems to like us for sure, and we’re trying to book tours in every country possible.

BS: What types of tours have you been on?  Have you had any crazy moments on tour?

HBS: We’ve played lots of support shows and a whole lot of headline tours aswell. Crazy tour moments, hmm.. well one time in Norway we had a gang or whatever come up to us and threatening to slit our throats. We called the police and they got busted. Maybe not that crazy, but pretty damn satisfying!

Photo courtesy of Her Bright Skies

BS: If you could go on tour with any band who would it be?

HBS: We’d love to tour with Paramore, or maybe Foo Fighters. Those bands seem fun and not too serious, just like us. Plus Hayley is hot. I’d probably think Dave Grohl was hot too if i was swingin’ that way.

BS: From what I have seen you seem like you are a very fun group of guys that are enjoying what you are doing a lot.  What is the best part about playing music or being Her Bright Skies?

HBS: Creating stuff for sure. Watching an idea grow into a full song and being, as a group, freaking super excited about it. That’s the best.

BS: What do you do to pass time on tour when you’re not playing?

HBS: iPhones, iPads, Mac Books. And booze. The occasional chat roulette, and foosball.

BS: You did a great cover of “DJ Got Us Falling In Love” by Usher, what made you want to cover that song?

HBS: It had great melody from the start that was really easy to convert into a rock tune. And it had stupid lyrics which we thought would be awesome to sing. That cover came together fairly easily. One time we tried to cover “heute is mein tag” by Blümchen. You do not want to hear that cover.

BS: Can we expect any new covers coming soon?

HBS: You never know! But right now we’re not planning anything.

BS: I really like the song “Little Miss Obvious” what inspired that song?

HBS: A past girlfriend experience. Like a lot of songs out there i guess. We wanted to make a pop song, and that’s what came out.

BS: This one also has an interesting video, what was the inspiration behind it?

HBS: The lyrics obviously. We wanted to have acting in our video, so we hooked up with Sit Com Soliders in the UK. They filmed the story and we just came and rocked out in a pub where they filmed us. It was pretty awesome.

BS: So your new album Rivals is coming out this fall, when can fans pick it up?

HBS: 19th of November! First single out monday though.

BS: What can people expect to hear from this album?

HBS: A new side of us. A side we’ve been having before but now has taken full effect. Expect a rockier sound, more focus on melody and riff.

BS: Do you have a favorite track off of it?  Why is that?

HBS: My personal favorite is a song called “Working Class Punx”. It’s fucking heavy with a great guitar solo and stupid yet strong lyrics and yeah.. everything is great about that song.

BS: Can you explain the pledge music campaign?  There is still some time to pledge correct?

HBS: Yep! Well you basically get the chance to get a hold of rare stuff that we won’t be selling anywhere else, along with the regular signed CD and posters and stuff. We wanted to engage the fans further with this pledge campaign and send all of the pre-ordered stuff out ourselves! www.pledgemusic.com/herbrightskies

BS: Is there anything else you would like to say to your fans?

HBS: Keep rockin’, keep loving our band and don’t do drugs.

You can see the awesome video for “Ghosts of the Attic” on our music videos page.

You can show the band some love at these places:


@herbrightskies on twitter

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Picture of Bryan Swann

Bryan Swann

Hello, My name is Bryan Swann and I am the owner and operator for BareBones Entertainment.

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My name is Bryan Swann and I run this entertainment site, BareBones Entertainment. Based out of Dallas, TX we focus solely on the music, art, and other area of entertainment, and none of the gossip or fluff. That is why our motto is “All Entertainment, No Fluff.” Any bands or artists that may be interested in doing an interview please follow us on Twitter @barebonesent, or like our Facebook page and message us.

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