Punk As A Doornail is a punk rock band out of California that has been tearing up the scene with their music and unique instruments. Check out what they had to say when BareBones Ent sat down with the band to discuss their music, instruments and new album Sad As A Dead Snail!

BBE: For listeners that have not heard Punk As A Doornail how would you best describe your music?
PAAD: An unorthodox sonic journey displaying observations of awkward moments in life. It isn’t like something you hear everyday and, it’s kind of funny.
BBE: Something a bit different about your band is you are known to be a bit more creative with your instruments. When did you start creating your own unique guitars?
PAAD: The basis of the band was to create a rhythmic noise with found objects. The objects that were found were later fretted, strung and had pickups attached to create a noisy chaos. Some of the attempts were the shit stick, the bat, the briefcase, the snow shovel, the ax. The shit stick and briefcase had a good run but the skatar (skateboard guitar) was always the staple.
BBE: How did the “Skatar” come together?
PAAD: It was an epiphany. A dream came to me to remind me I was never a good skater. What if it was strung and played?
BBE: Did it take a few attempts to get it to sound like you wanted?
PAAD: The skatar always had its own sound that was amazing. I just hone it in. It actually encourages me to play it. I can me in a bad mood, but one I plug that thing in, it’s game on!

BBE: When did you know that you had something cool?
PAAD: When people would come back to see it live and request songs by name. That and when the local rags started printing our name without us having to pay for it.
BBE: The “Skatar” is used on your latest album Dead As A Sad Snail. How long have you been working on this album?
PAAD: From writing it to putting it into print, the whole process was about 2 1/2 years. The band was re-born in a sense where the original drummer Cary had departed from the band so Keith asked me if I wanted to play a few one off shows. The one off shows were a blast and practicing was fun, so we decided to try to put together a couple of new ideas. Those ideas continued to grow as new ideas formed and next thing we knew we had enough material to make an actual recording.
BBE: What do you think it is about this album that makes it stand out?
PAAD: It is a fun listen with some unusual instrumentation.
BBE: What type of reactions have you been receiving about the album?
PAAD: Overall the feedback has been very positive. we have exceeded our expectations where people don’t wince when they tell us their opinion about it.
BBE: What is next for you?
PAAD: To play live shows and continue writing more material. We will keep this going until it isn’t fun anymore.
BBE: What is the best way for fans to stay up to date with your music?
PAAD: www.punkasadoornail.com
BBE: Anything else you would like to add?
PAAD: Give it a listen! We have multiple links from our website. It’s a good time, and thank you for yours.