Take a look at our favorite 10 comic books live on Kickstarter right now! The comics are not listed in any particular order. These comics feature a wide range including horror, graphic, comedy, and all-ages fun. Take a look and get in early with some of these awesome projects that may not hit your local stores! Make sure to look for our “Can’t Miss Pick”!
Please note that the funding percentage listed is at the time of this writing
Murder #2 – Matthew Loisel (Mar. 9) 72%
Beyond Milford Green – Samuel George London (Mar. 3) 91%
Zombie-Sama – Billy Tucci (Mar. 1) FULLY FUNDED 179%
Drexler #2 – Nathan Kelly (Mar. 11) 49%
Infinity Agents – John Schlim Jr. (Mar. 12) FULLY FUNDED 125%
Stay Awake – Joseph Oliveira (Mar. 7) 69%
Hoody – Anomalous Comics (Mar. 17) FULLY FUNDED 188%
ERAFLUX: Keeping the Peace – LOTUSWARE (Mar. 14) 43%
Death Sentence Liberty #1-3 – Monty Nero (Mar. 15) FULLY FUNDED 178%

One Fall – David F. Walker (Mar. 20) 81%